How to Download and Install Apk Files?

How to Download?

Step1  Move your mouse over Download Button

Step2  Information of the Apk file you want to download will be displayed

Step3  Click the green button with "DOWNLOAD" text on it

Step4  Choose which folder you want to save the Apk file to and that's it.

How to install?

On the computer side

Step 1 Download the installer
Step 2 Run the installer and choose a folder on your PC
Step 3 After installtion, go to the folder where you extract the installer
Step 4 Connect you android phone to your PC
Step 5 You'll get the usual "new hardware found" kind of messages
Step 6 Copy the apk file extracted at Step 2 to the new hardware (Your smartphone's storage)

On the smartphone side

Step 1 Navigate to the folder where you copied the apk file to
Step 2 Install the apk file
Step 3 Enjoy